API Commands

Using OAuth Application

Create an API on “www.awetest.com/management/api” (Refer to the documentation describing the process to create) and use the API information in the following commands


  1. To get access token

curl -X POST -d "client_id=<ApplicationId>&client_secret=<Secret>&grant_type=authorization_code&code=<Code>&redirect_uri=<CallbackURL>" http://www.awetest.com/oauth/token


Sample JSON response:



  1. To make a request for the required API, we can execute either of the following commands 

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>" http://www.awetest.com/api/v1/projects.json



curl http://www.awetest.com/api/v1/projects.json?access_token=<AccessToken>




Try this in a browser



  1. To request for a new access token with the help of refresh token 

curl -X POST -d "client_id=<ApplicationId>&client_secret=<Secret>&redirect_uri=<CallbackURL>&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<RefreshToken>" http://www.awetest.com/oauth/token


Sample JSON response:





Without using OAuth Application

If we provide the username and password directly, then we need not create any OAuth application. We can obtain the access token directly by making use of following curl command


curl -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=<Username>&password=<Password>" http://www.awetest.com/oauth/token


Sample JSON response:




Get report status using API


curl http://www.awetest.com/api/v1/jobs/<JobID>.json?access_token=<AccessToken>


Sample response:




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