Setting up a device/emulator and getting device ID

You will need to provide your device id on or inside of your appium.txt file if running locally


Android devices:

  1. Make sure to install the drivers so that your device is recognized by the computer. For example, if you have a samsung device, you can get the driver here:
  2. Enable USB debugging on the phone:
  3. Go to settings>security and disable screen lock.
  4. Connect your phone with the cable, and open notifications. Make sure your device is connected as media device and not camera. When you connect the device for the first time, it will ask you to trust the computer and use USB debugging. Select checkbook: always do and click OK.
  5. Open command prompt and type  adb devices. If this command fails, that means you do not have path variables or android sdk installed completely. Please refer to he Appium Windows quick setup guide  
    •         C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb devices
    •         List of devices attached
    •         02352352351000E        device

iOS devices:

  1.   Connect your device and on your device select trust this computer if the message pops up.
  2.  Go to xcode > window > devices
  3.  Find your device and select it. Your device id should be under Identifier
  4.  Add this device to your devices under your developer account that you use to build the application.
  5. for iOS 8 device: Open Settings on your device, go to Developer and Enable UI Automation

 Android emulator:

android must be installed and environmental variables set up.

  1. Type in the command prompt:   C:>  android avd
  2. Click Create
  3. Select Intel Atom if you have installed the emulator accelerator, un-select Hardware keyboard so that keyboard will appear as it does on native device, choose the first skin option, enter 1024 for RAM and at least 64 for VM Heap, Select Use Host GPU if you want to make it run faster. Note: there is currently a bug with android that screenshots will not work if Host GPU is selected. Try updating to the latest build tools and platform tools.  Note: if your device does not start up, try different CPU. Screenshots Note: Do not use snapshots
  4. Lunch the device, enable usb debugging in developer options.
  5. Go to settings>security and disable screen lock.


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